
New Business Venture

I have just resigned from my day job in order to set up a new business. It will be a digital print centre (franchise) with graphic design, website design, printing and copying. Trading is planned to commence after Easter. This has been a long process, and I am sure I have made the right decision. Time will tell.

Happy New Year - 2010

It is now 2010 and thoughts are of the coming year. I have plans for some big changes this year, in the area of work and lifestyle. More will be revealed in the coming months as plans progress (or not). Last year was spent trying to finish as much as possible on the house. I am pleased the kitchen is now basically finished, along with the bathroom and laundry. I also finished most of the plastering and painting. Just some trim items to be completed. I have also been studying at TAFE, however this has suffered due to time restraints and competing priorities. I believe 2010 will be a great year with some very positive changes. Time will tell.